seven things sunday

i know lots of bloggers like to do 5 things friday, but today is not friday, and i have more than 5 things i want to say….so i’m declaring today 7 things sunday!

1. jessica is cool.

[insert photo of jess & me that we didn’t take last night…blogger fail.]

that’s all.

ok, no, that’s not all. brad and i met up with a couple of our friends downtown madison last night at jess’s red mango fundraiser. i was so excited to finally meet jess in person & i was happy to realize that she’s just as fun & entertaining in person as she is on her blog. plus, she gave me an excuse to go to red mango.

2. remember this project from yesterday?

yeah, it didn’t turn out. but i’m not giving up! i’m going to try again & make it work!

3. i need to give you a no-snooze september update, but i didn’t want to write a whole blog post about it, so here goes: i did it! Smile

i didn’t snooze my alarm at all in september! actually, i did snooze it a couple times out of habit, but then i’d realize it, get up before the second alarm went off, and then try to figure out how to turn my alarm clock off without waking brad up…

i’m happy i completed that challenge and can check another item off my 101 in 1001 list. unfortunately, now that october has hit and the pressure of the challenge is off, i’m falling back into my snoozing ways. *sigh*

4. i am not 18 any more.

or even 22 anymore!

basically, i’m not in college anymore.

this was made very clear last night when brad and i went out for a drink on state street with our friends. i only had one drink all night, we were all tired and ready to go home by 11pm (um, the time we used to actually go out in college), and i was so annoyed by all of the drunk undergrads on campus with their tiny slutty outfits and whiny voices.

oh how times change…

5. i made these a while ago.

they were really good! i kept meaning to blog about it and just didn’t.

one question though, are popovers supposed to deflate like that, or did i do something wrong?

6. i am so excited to go apple picking today!

i will be the first to admit that my excitement is a little bit over the expected amount.

i don’t care though, i can’t wait!

7. capone is spoiled.


i know you all know this already, but he really is.


brad and i keep trying to be strict and not allow him onto our bed since we don’t want him to start going on it when we’re gone. but then this happens.


and he’s so cute and comfortable that we can’t bear to make him get down!

i don’t see that one changing anytime soon.


wow, that was fun! and i could keep going…

maybe you’ll see seven things sunday again!


ok, really. what should i make with the ridiculous amount of apples we’re going to pick today?

we’ll definitely set some aside for juicing, and i want to try making apple butter, but after that i’m stuck. please suggest some delicious apple recipes!

what did i do wrong with those popovers? or did i not do anything wrong & that’s how they’re supposed to be?

About sarah

hi, i'm sarah. i'm a graduate student, dog lover, newlywed, blogger, aspiring baker/cook, and a veggie lover. :)
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13 Responses to seven things sunday

  1. Oooo…maybe you can do a link up with seven things sunday! I like it! 🙂 I have seven things I could talk about! 🙂 Love you! And capone.. and Brad!

  2. Katie says:

    How about apple crisp?! One of my favorites and sooo easy.

    I made popovers once, and they deflated too… I don’t think they’re supposed to though, I think they’re supposed to be hollow in the middle! But I’m not really sure.

  3. if you have a crockpot, it’s super easy to make applesauce or apple cider! yummmmmm

  4. Oh my gosh you are so sweet! I can’t believe we forgot to take a picture!! I’m so glad we finally met in real life. I hope you had fun apple picking!! 🙂

  5. Oh and not hitting snooze for a month?!? You are awesome!! I need to challenge myself to do that!

  6. Keeping the furballs off the furniture is just impossible. i’m a sucker too! esp if i’m home alone and need a cuddle buddy 😉

    • sarah says:

      yes! i can’t tell you how many times brad’s gotten home from work or something else and found me taking a nap in bed with capone laying up there w/ me!

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