what i’ve been up to!

happy hump day! this is the post that i wanted to do yesterday, but didn’t have the photos for, so i’ll catch you up TODAY on what i’ve been up to! šŸ™‚

monday, i ended up leaving st. louis a little early in an attempt to beat the worst of the incoming winter weather in wisconsin + illinois. i was very sad to leave.

it was a gloomy drive.

and i did not miss the bad weather. šŸ˜¦ thank goodness that it only started about 2.5 hours from home, not the whole way. i drove about 50 mph max for most of the second half of the drive and i saw plenty of cars (trucks too!) that spun off the road into the ditches. i just took it easy and stayed in the slow lane. i’ve driven in plenty of wisconsin winters, but i still try to be careful. i’ve had two accidents in the snow and that’s two too many!


no rewind back to sunday. i HAD to share our breakfast + dinner with you because they were pretty great! brad got a magic bullet from my aunt + uncle for christmas, and we finally broke it out to make smoothies for breakfast!

we just mixed up what we had: spinach, black berries, strawberries, a banana, ground flaxseed, vanilla protein powder, and the last of my chocolate almond milk (which i WILL be buying again!).

the magic bullet is SO easy to use. just put everything in the cup, screw on the blade, pop it on the magic bullet, and press down. yay!

it’s super convenient. i will say this, though. it can be used to make dips, cut up veggies, a lot of things that a food processor can do, BUT you can’t leave it running for more than a minute at a time because that can ruin the motor. so no making the banana soft serve or nut butters that i’m DYING to make until i get a real food processor.

i dropped some spinach, which capone ate immediately, so he sat like this the rest of the time i was making them.

silly puppy.


now to sunday dinner. remember those cheese explosion turkey burgers we made friday night? we had two burgers left, so we warmed them up, and made a “burger salad!”

in the bowl:

  • spinach
  • tomatoes
  • a little extra cheese
  • cut up burgers

i topped mine with ketchup + mustard, which brad thought was so weird. but after he started eating his salad he conceded that it would have been a good combo. what can i say? i’m always right! šŸ˜‰ this was a PERFECT way to eat those left over burgers!

dessert on sunday was fro-yo!

i love places like this were you build your own combination! brad went for chocolate flavors.

and i made a fruity bowl!

it was very refreshing! i loved the tartness of the yogurt. mmm.


fast forward to the gross drive on monday. i finally arrived back in madison at 4:30 pm and i went straight to my friend’s house. she and her husband went on a quick 3-day skiiing trip to northern wisconsin, so i was house-sitting for them until today! they have the cutest dogs:

eddie is the pit bull and rudy is the bulldog. they’re so sweet! they also have two cats, but only one of them came out to say hi.

that’s big kitty. she slept with me both nights! šŸ™‚


and finally….i just had to show you my new notebook! i just got it from target and i LOVE it! i’ve already filled up a lot of pages. šŸ™‚

ok, sorry for the disjointed post – i feel like that’s how my life has been the last week! tonight i’m FINALLY going back to my own apartment and then tonight is a little early birthday dinner with my girls. šŸ™‚ i can’t wait!

what’s your favorite fro-yo combination?

About sarah

hi, i'm sarah. i'm a graduate student, dog lover, newlywed, blogger, aspiring baker/cook, and a veggie lover. :)
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20 Responses to what i’ve been up to!

  1. When my puppies hear me opening a package in the kitchen they run in and sit, just hoping for a piece of whatever I’ve got!
    My favorite fro-yo topping is pineapple and kiwi’s plus a drizzle of marshmallow cream!

  2. Liz says:

    I do loooove red velvet mixed with cheesecake topped with cheesecake pieces and cookie dough… šŸ™‚ not so healthy fro yo! šŸ˜¦ but soo soo good!

  3. I’m so stopping by target asap — LOVE your new notebook! =)

    and OMG who doesnt love a big fluffy kitty!? =)

    • Sarah says:

      my lab mate got the same notebook a couple weeks ago in green and as soon as i saw it, i knew i HAD TO have one for myself! šŸ™‚ they have it in lots of fun colors!

  4. happy early birthday! i love that you turned your leftover burgers into a salad. what a great way to use them up! i’ve only seen the magic bullet on tv…jealous that you have one! as for fro yo, i’ve been CRAVING it big time. i like strawberry and oreos šŸ™‚

    • Sarah says:

      mmm, strawberries + chocolate. classic & delicious combo. šŸ™‚ also, oreos are pretty much my biggest weakness. i cannot bring them into my house or they will be gone in a ridiculously short amount of time.

  5. movesnmunchies says:

    AHH you have me craving froyo like crazy!!! i always switch it up… but it has to involve something VERY sweet.. carob chips are a must!

  6. I like to just mix flavors of fro yo – peanut butter and chocolate are the top contenders – and add just a few things like cookie crumbs or sprinkles. Goodness there is no such thing as not enough sprinkles.

    Not missing that snow! Love the shades, though. šŸ™‚ AND the notebook – having one you love makes all the difference!

    • Sarah says:

      i don’t usually mix too many flavors of fro-yo. i’m all about the toppings! šŸ™‚ and i do agree with you on the sprinkles. they make everything better.

  7. I’ve seen those magic bullet infomercials but have never broken down & bought one. I have a both a food processor & a blender, so I guess I haven’t really needed it. I love ANY kind of fro yo! Love to mix & match, too!

  8. I have never had fro yo but it looks great. I love TCBY it has to be close to the same thing. I am glad that you made it safe. We live in Tennessee and any time it snows people go crazy and love driving fast and stopping quickly in the snow, it just doesn’t make sense . Have fun

    • Sarah says:

      thanks for your comment lew – i don’t think i’ve every had tcby! it makes me nervous when people get dare-devil-ish in the snow. all i need is for someone who is trying to be cool spinning donuts to hit my car. not cool!

  9. We are so obsessed with frozen yogurt! I love chocolate with strawberries and chocolate pieces. With whipped cream for an extra splurge!

    Speaking of milk. Do you ever drink hemp milk? I go between soy, almond, rice and hemp and I love them all! I like to mix it up and the chocolate is really good I agree. šŸ™‚

    • Sarah says:

      nope, i’ve never tried hemp milk! i’m just starting to try new milks – chocolate almond milk was my first. i’ll definitely try the others you mentioned, though! šŸ™‚ thanks for the suggestions.

  10. Love the recap pics! I want to comment on all of them, haha. I’ve never had fro-yo is that horrible? I want to eat at slim berry-sounds right up my style!

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